Yates Banjos


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Yates Banjo Comedy Shop

All work and no play makes Jack a dull banjo picker, we always say.  When you mix to many hours in the paint booth and some good ole southern boys,  a formula for just about anything is possible.  While we take our banjos very seriously, we also realize that the world can be a better place with a little laughter.  With banjo deposits on our brains, it seems that the banjo is most often the topic of our fun.  Please join with us and have a laugh or two.  Be assured, we mean no offence to anyone.

Warren Yates

Aliens Visit the Yates Shop

We are often asked how we obtain the sound in our banjos.  It is by no means magic or anything to do with radiation.  The simple truth is that we are helped by aliens from outer space.  Those little fellers have a fascination for banjos and the great pickers that use them.  The picture to the right was taken above the shop in June, 2008 of their space craft. 

The aliens scan the time waves and listen to their favorite banjos as we listen to the different stations of today.  This example was a recording that we intercepted back in 2008 while they were communicating with their home planet.  Click Here and listen.  And they say people from far out don't exist.  See for yourself.


Outsourcing Banjo Lessons to Another Country

Today it is often that we call tech lines for help just to end up talking with a person from another country.  It is one thing to have to work through the language differences but quite another to realize that they are reading to you from a manual.  

In this skit, Abdul (played by Bob Macchia) answers a tech call and tries to teach a banjo lesson to a high strung southern boy (played by Donnie Little) and bites off just a little more than he chew.  Hey! Listen to this!



The Climax Watch Test

Johnny Butten, Guinness Book of World Records, fastest banjo player visits the Yates Banjo shop and tests the power of a Yates banjo.  

In this skit, we reenact one of the old style TV commercials that used to air where the watch would be subjected to extreme conditions to show the durability of the watch.  In this case the banjo takes a ticking and keeps on picking while the watch is destroyed.

As it turned out, the  Bob'sbloopers were more funny than the original idea so we could not resist adding them in there.


How Banjos are Made at Yates

This video shows many of the process used at Yates to build our banjos.  Ron Stewart plays his Yates through it.  At the end of this video we show some of the results to our high tech testing procedures.  Watch closely and you just might pick up on one of our highly keep secret processes.


The Hazards of Playing a Yates Banjo

In the previous video, you saw the injection of energy that we put into our banjos due to our secret process.  A great responsibility is required to not let this energy source get out of hand.  Nostril Domus (a local banjo picker and Bluegrass singer) predicted that by the year 2012 there will be enough Yates banjos in the world that if by chance they were all to picked at the same time, it could cause catastrophic disasters and the banjo world would end as we know it.


New Services

All members of the family must pull their own weight in a tight economy.


No Joke Here!


Is the Future of the Banjo Unfolding?

Try to play this stuff on a standard banjo.



That's all I've got to say about that.


In this video, Warren Yates becomes obsessed with the tone of the banjo and the ability that Ron Stewart has to pull good tone.  Being a mad scientist with the passion to play like Ron, he finds a way to become Ron Stewart.  Not ever being satisfied, he goes for the gusto and shoots for Earl when the equipment is not heavy duty enough to handle it. Needless to say, we're going to need another Warren.



Pluck Johnson is a reporter that is too cheep to buy a concert ticket so he does his reporting and interviewing outside looking through the back door.  His style has a striking resemblance to a NASCAR interview.  No video just a radio broadcast.  
This shows how to pat you head, rub your stomach, and play the banjo all at the same time.

Look Ma, No Brains!!!!!!!!!

See Donnie Little play a tennis racket like a banjo just before his big tennis match.  

The worlds first plutonium tone ring. 


In the search for the ultimate everything, the guys at Yates Banjos attempt to create the ultimate banjo picker. Patterned after Frankenstein, they create a spectacle of themselves all in fun. Warren Yates plays the mad scientist, Bob Macchia as Igor, and the ultimate banjo picker / monster is played by the one and only Donnie Little.


One day outside the door of area 51, this smiley face balloon was sitting there looking at me just between the still and where the space ships land. I guess it fell from the sky.  I placed a rock on the string and took my phone and took this picture.  I then went back to work.  About 20 minutes later I decided to go and get it and put it on the wall as a reminder to have a nice day and it was gone as mysteriously as it came.  I never saw it again.


Warren Yates and Donnie Little playing Dueling Banjos just before the fight.


Is Banjo Man faster than a speeding bullet?


The mad scientist, Warren Yates, is always researching ways to make a better banjo or to become a better banjo player. You just never know what he might try next.


Ron Stewart sets up two Yates Skillet Head banjos for the customers. One is left handed but he plays it any way.


A mouse gets into the banjo shop and all of the employees head for the hills.  Nerdle Man has to come in and remove the varmint.


Should you play your Yates banjo as much as you want?

Is a Yates banjo faster than a bass fiddle?  
The most interesting banjo player in the world.  
A Banjo Man sighting that made the news.  

Warren Yates teaches how to select a tree to build a banjo. Banjo Man shows that it doesn't work.

A shooter with sound effects?  
Just anther day at the office  

Bad hair cut

Warren performing standup at the Comedy Zone 1  
Warren performing standup at the Comedy Zone 2  
The Kidney Stone  
Learn to play the banjo in only seven days with Donnie Little

Maybe or Maybe not  ::=;==(:0)

The NC Banjo Clinic All Banjo Orchestra  

The Visit


Prewar Hype


Prewar Tone!